My world

My world

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gestational Diabetes

I guess after my 12 hour fasting glucose monitoring I have gestational diabetes.  I went 12 hours with out eating or drinking anything and then I had to drink some really crappy sugary substance, that made me want to vomit.  Then for the next 3 hours they drew my blood to see what each sugar was.  I was  a little high so they are sending me to a dietitian.  I am not thrilled about going to see one, but I will for my baby.  I only drink water and I don't really consume much sugar in my diet.  We will see what the dietitian says.  I guess I have the appointment in the middle of September.  Okay so they want me to be on a diabetic diet for like one month of my pregnancy.  I guess I will go meet with her once and then I will manage it at home.  Who would have known...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby's Name Part 2

If you are reading this........
you will now know the name of my little girl that is growing in my belly.....
Dale and I; have decided to name our precious little girl...........
Gabriella Raye Richter

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Baby's Name

I am getting irritated with my mother and her boyfriend, and my mother in law.. I picked out my own name.  I am not naming my child after either one of you so GIVE IT UP... I happen to really enjoy the name that I have picked for my little girl.  My mother and her boyfriend thinks I should name it Ann Elizabeth after her... I don't think so...  And why would I for my brother named his kid after you so why do we want another ANN in the family.  Sorry not happening.  And my mother in law...Who wants to name there kid Viola... You had your chance to name your children, maybe you should have named one of them Viola JR or Princess Viola.  My child will not be named after either one of you, so GIVE IT UP already....
My child will not be named Elizabeth Viola, or Viola Ann.. Sorry not happening.  My child will have there own special name with a wonderful meaning.  This is one reason why I am not sharing my name of my baby with my family.  Sorry.....

Baby's room progress

So from my last post on June 29th I was going to do some cool things with the baby's room.  Lets just say FROG TAPE does not work.  I would not recommend it if you have a little bit of  texture on your walls.  I spent 2 hours taping and painting a brown line through out the room.  I thought in the back of my head while I was doing this that is was going to AWESOME.  But then I ripped off the green FROG TAPE, and it was a disaster.  There was runs all over.  Really ticked this pregnant lady off...  No more FROG TAPE for me.  Don't spend your money on it; it is CRAP.
Then my wonderful husband that I have went and bought me a border for our baby's room and then it turned out wonderful...
What do you think????   We are going with a jungle theme... Kids love animals right :)

End of construction on the house

Dale and I are excited to be done with this chapter in our life... Now it is time to go shopping for furniture to fill up the house :)