My world

My world

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gestational Diabetes

I guess after my 12 hour fasting glucose monitoring I have gestational diabetes.  I went 12 hours with out eating or drinking anything and then I had to drink some really crappy sugary substance, that made me want to vomit.  Then for the next 3 hours they drew my blood to see what each sugar was.  I was  a little high so they are sending me to a dietitian.  I am not thrilled about going to see one, but I will for my baby.  I only drink water and I don't really consume much sugar in my diet.  We will see what the dietitian says.  I guess I have the appointment in the middle of September.  Okay so they want me to be on a diabetic diet for like one month of my pregnancy.  I guess I will go meet with her once and then I will manage it at home.  Who would have known...

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