My world

My world

Monday, July 26, 2010

NaProTechnology A Contemporary approach to conceive....

You are probably wonder what is she talking about??  Naprotechnology is counting the days when you are ovulating by using a natural way to conceive children.  I actually check my cervical mucus every time I urinate.  Yeah, it sounds way funner than it really is.  But, if this is the only way Dale and I can conceive our children I will do anything in my power to be as up beat about it as I can about the whole disgusting situation.  Dale and I hope to become pregnant before next January... But we will see.....We have a long road a head of us.  I just wished it would be a little less frustrating and be a lot more simple for us..  But we are both very strong individuals we will make it through this whole situation and maybe next summer we will have a wee little one that completely flips our world up side down with all the love we have to share.  But, Dale and I are not sure of what life has planned for us, but  I am totally hoping that god has children in our plans.
We actually see our fertility doctors in November so maybe we will get started on some medication and soon we will have a so called, "BUN IN THE OVEN."
Have a great day!!!


Unknown said...

Is this what the Dr. said to do? You went didn't you?

Unknown said...

Yes, it is the first step to the whole fertility clinic that I am going to. my next appointment is on August 8th with the NP. I have to do baby steps. When your husbands sperm test NOT SO GOOD, and your thyroid is NOT SO GOOD either, we have to do other things to become prego. Some people it is easy to become prego and some people it takes a little more work. I personally don't care what I have to do, but this is the first step. I completely plan on keeping track of it until I can see the doctor in November no matter how much it grosses me out!!!