My world

My world

Monday, April 30, 2012

Today is a new day

Happy Monday everyone.  I am very sleep deprived and hyper, unsure if the two go together, but I feel very gitty. Gabriella is 6 months old already.  I am amazed how BIG she is getting and she is sharp as a tack.  I am a very happy mommy.  I could not ask for a better daughter.  Even though the last few nights my hubby and I have only been getting 2 hours of sleep.  Unsure if she is teething or what, but if Gabby isn't getting any sleep; NO BODY in the house is. Minor detail!
This weekend has been interesting, the geese that took over the pond, I think packed up and left, or was chased away by this turkey, that seems to have a bum leg.  Maybe it is his retirement home, who knows, more the merrier. 

Hope everyone is having an awesome week... Yeah, I know it is only Monday but make the best of it!  Life is WONDERFUL so CELEBRATE!!! 

Have a great rest of the week!!!!

1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

Ah - the joys of parenthood. sandie