My world

My world

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Full time, Part time or Casual Work Status

I am trying to figure out if I should change my status at work from Full~time to Part~time for Gabriella's sake.  I personally have a lot of mixed feeling about sending my child to day care.  I am not completely fond of day cares.  I think I am more scared than anything, plus I do not want my kid to come home all the time with a cold or a sickness.  I guess I want to protect her as much as I can.  I know I can't protect her, her whole life, but I want to at least try to limit sickness that she has.  I guess sending my child to child care has me envisioning that she will be in a play pen all day by herself and no one will pay her any attention.  That would completely break my heart.  I know we are OVERLY PROTECTIVE, I just tried so hard to get her here, and I personally want to keep her here.  Eventually I want to go casual status at work where I can pick and choose my hours and no on call. We are looking into individual health plans.  The insurance is really good and it would less than I will be paying being part time at my job through my group plan.  The only catch is that it does not cover maternity.  Will I have another baby, I am not sure.  I husband says, "NO", he is completely satisfied with Gabriella.....The only question I.  A few years back I would have said one is plenty, now I think  Gabriella may need a playmate.   Who knows what direction our life will go. I guess for now,  I am just happy being a family of three.  We are blessed, we are happy and we are content.   

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