My world

My world

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday Project

After having a baby in October, my life has gotten hectic.  I find it hard to clean the house and do many other house hold chores.  I guess, I just want to cuddle with Gabby all the time because she is my pride and joy.  They are only little once.. RIGHT?..  I am blessed to have her in my life. 
I was on-call for work all weekend, and lets just say it was a bad on-call weekend.  I worked 19 hours on Friday, 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday was a free day.  On my free day, I decided to clean out my refrigerator,  it was a week or two overdue, but at least I got the courage or should I say the ambition to do it finally.  I through out lots and lots of stuff.  
 Before: refrigerator needed cleaning
After being cleaned : Spic and Span
Putting food back into refrigerator

I think I did a good job.  Now only if I could keep the ambition up to do other house hold chores. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

First Play Date

On Wednesday, Gabriella had her first play date.  For the most part it went very well.   It was nice to have grown up time, while watching our children play.  Jessica is one of my friends who I used to work with on the floor at the Hospital.  She has two children Ruby who is 14 months old and Alex who is 2 months old.  Gabby and I sure appreciated spending time with your family.  We need to do it again really soon :)
I have to set up many more play dates.  I have come to realize Gabriella is starting to not like going by people.  When people she does not know hold her she throws them dirty looks, and then she starts crying.  When she is back in mama's arms she is happy again, all smiles and giggles.  I am starting to think we need to get her out more.  I guess I will have to start setting up more play dates so she can get used to other people.  I think we are spoiling her, with only Dale and I taking care of her.  But, we can't help it we love her.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Happy Monday Everyone =)

 Jessica, Alex and Ruby
 Ruby, Gabriella, Jessica and Alex
 Alex and Gabby
 Alex and Gabby
Alex, Ruby and Gabby

Thursday, February 23, 2012

4 month child wellness check up

Gabriella had her 4 month check up today.  I think it went pretty well.  I found out she is below weight, but they are not concerned because she is very tall.  She got lots of shots today, so there was many tears, I think most of the tears came from mommy.  But, I just hate seeing her screaming.
We had a great visit from a good friend from work. It is always nice to have company, but Gabriella wasn't in the mood.
I think it will be a long night, but I completely understand.  Daddy wants to take off her band~aids but, I think we should leave her sore little leggies alone.  But hope every one had a wonderful Thursday.

Today I am thankful for my beautiful family.  I would be lost with out them :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fallen in love

I have totally fallen in love with Craigslist.  It is wonderful, everything that I can possibly want is on Craigslist.  I am addicted.  Yes, my name is Jennifer and I am addicted to craigslist.  It is amazing the great deals you can find on there.  Yesterday I placed an Ad on craigslist for wanting baby things, and today, I have 25 phone calls on things people want to give me or have me buy for CHEAP!  Sweet!!!  I love DEALS!  I guess, I don't find the need to buy all new things for my baby because she will out grow everything so quickly in the first year of life.  I am excited that tomorrow I get to go and pick up 25 baby items all under 15$$ Yes, that is dirt cheap.  Some of the things that I am getting are; a 24 month old winter coat (she claims is brand new) 12 month cookie monster dress, 12 month Jeans, 12 month fleece jacket, car seat cover, baby Eisenstein toys, and other baby things.  I am excited to get my new treasures for Gabriella.  This is exciting!  Don't worry, I am not a hoarder... I buy things, use them,  and resell the items.  I love recycling!!!

Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway!!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

My Sweet Hubby

My sweet hubby brought these home for me today, on his adventures in town.  Thank you honey they are so unexpected :)

4 Months Old

Today, is Gabriella's 4 month milestone.  Where has the time gone? Happy 4th month birthday to my little Gabby!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Part time and loving it

In January, after being off for maternity leave for 3 months, I decided to go part-time when I went back to work.  I love being part-time.  It gives me so much more time to spend with Gabriella.  I enjoy watching cartoons with her in the morning.  Martha Speaks and Sid the Science Kid are my favorites.  I enjoy changing dirty diapers, wiping her cute little butt, making her smile and laugh at me, I like when she cry's because she needs something, and I also enjoy feeding her in my lap out of a bottle.  She is one amazing child.  I am blessed to have such a blessing in my life.  
After all the fertility that I went through to get pregnant and all the hormone replacement therapy that I was on during pregnancy to keep my pregnancy going,  and all the Emergency Room visits,  I am not going to let time pass underneath me.  I am going to spend as much time with Gabriella as I possibly can, because I fought to get her here. She is my little sweet heart, and I love her with my whole heart.  I was blessed with an amazingly wonderful little girl and all the pain and sleepless nights when I was pregnant don't matter much anymore.  Because I know she is safe.   I could not be any more happy than what I am, right now.  She is amazing!
The last few weeks when I go to work my co~workers make wise cracks about me being part time.  I know it is hard to comprehend that the person who always worked extra shifts went down part-time.  I hate when they make the wise cracks.  They say things like, "Jennifer doesn't matter; she only works one day a week" or "Hey one day a weeker."  Sorry, but I work 3 days one week and 2 days the next week.  I am doing it because I can, and I want too.  Gabriella is that important to me.  I do not want my child raised in daycare.  Not saying daycare is bad, but I just don't have the need for someone else raising my child.  I personally don't want the sickness in my family.  She has not been sick so far and I plan on keeping it that way.  I guess, they are just jealous that they have to work more hours then me.  I am just glad that I have the opportunity to be part-time to be home with my child.  She is a blessing and I love her so very much.  I have a great life with an amazing husband and a wonderful little girl.  I couldn't be luckier.  I am blessed!

Remember to sign up for my giveaway!  

Have a great Sunday!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I am giving away a five dollar gift certificate to Rocky Rococo Restaurant to one of my lucky bloggers.   I am not doing a review, I am just giving away a five dollar gift certificate.  I was at Rocky Rococo's  today and ate a slice of pepperoni pizza.  I enjoyed it so I thought it would be nice to give one of my bloggers a slice or there choice of  any pasta.  So I purchased a gift certificate.   I enjoyed my slice for it was very tasty with the right kind of ingredients.  So I hope that my lucky blogger will enjoy it as I did.  

Please only USA.  The giveaway will end on March 1st, 2011 and the drawing will be at 6 pm.

Enter to win:
 Comment why you want to win and follow my blog!
If you want five extra entries: blog about the giveaway on your blog, but remember to leave me your blog address.

Happy blogging and good luck!!!


When I saw this image I just had to post it.  It is so true.  I love my job, I love helping people but what society think I do is different than what I think I do or should I say, what I do!  Love These!! 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Fun day

Today, my mother came and babysit for our precious little Gabreilla Raye.  I believe Gabby had a good time with grandma. I also believe grandma had a good day with Gabby.  Grandma did say  she was a good baby, so hopefully she will do it again.  I paid her $40 dollars to watch her for 5 hours, so I believe we paid her pretty well.  
Dale brought home two fish fry's from the restaurant in Polonia called Matero's and boy were they wonderful.  The only bad thing is that my husband gets really bad heartburn from the fish fry's. So he popped like 3-5 tums tonight.  But they were very tasty.   
After we ate, we fed Gabreilla Raye, then we watched Breaking Dawn.  It was good, but at times my husband got a little grossed out from the graphic bloody scenes. He just can't go all the blood.  I thought it was good, but I thought it was going to be better than what it really was.  I think I pictured the movie a little different, can't wait until Part II.  
Dale just put our precious Gabby to sleep in her crib, and shortly we all will be in dream land.  Hope everyone had a great Friday, and Happy Weekend to you all :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Every child in the world is precious in god's eyes.
 I am thankful for my faith in god
I am thankful for my little girl that he blessed me with.
I could not be happier than I am at this point in my life.
I truly am blessed!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Blood Pressure

 So when I was in labor, my blood pressure went through the roof, so they put me on blood pressure medication at the clinic 3 weeks after I gave birth to Gabby.  To my surprise they never called me to check to see how my blood pressure was doing.  I am very concerned they forgot.
I am a nurse and I know that the doctor should check within a couple months of starting a new medication to see how the patient is doing.  I have not got a phone call from the doctors office.   So today, I decided to call and ask them if we are going to do a follow up office visit on the medication.  They told me they have NO record of me being on any blood pressure medication.  I said to the lady on the phone, that they just sent me another month prescription to the pharmacy.  She told me to stop taking medications that I prescribed, so I told her that  I was very discussed that they lost my records, and asked for a total refund on the cost that I paid for the medication and I wanted a refund on the doctors visit as well.  She told me she couldn't do that.  I told her that I was taking myself off the medication and we will see how my blood pressure is affected.  I was amazed at the disorganization that I had to deal with.  To the positive note, I no longer have headaches everyday from the medication!  But, I did called the supervisor to express my concerns.  They said they will look into it for me.  Thank goodness!!!  Hope this doesn't happen to another patient.  How terrible!!!
Hope you all are having a good Wednesday!

Drum Roll..........

Winner of the my first give away goes to Patricia Zasoba.  Congrats!   Send me your mailing information via my email.  Thanks for submitting!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I love you more each day!!!

 Learning how to pray

 My little sweet heart

 My Little Princess

 Mommy's Little Girl

 Little Miss Blue Eyes

 My Precious Baby


You are Special

Saturday, February 11, 2012

10 Happy Things

Dale:  I met Dale when I was 19 years old at The Store (a gas station in point)  he was with one of my really good friends who had a crush on me.  Dale was very persistent and asked me out 6-7 times before I actually said yes.   I am so glad I did because we have been together for 15 years.  He is an amazing man and I have never felt so loved in my life.  It would take many posts to describe how much Dale makes me happy so I will keep it simple, and just say "I LOVE U DALE."

Gabriella Raye:  I never thought that I wanted children, I don't know if I was scared or if I was just selfish.  I never thought I was mommy material I don't have the most caring parent in the world, and I didn't want history repeating itself.  But on October 20th, my mindset changed.   The first glance at you I was completely in love. 
Gabriella has not been with us too long yet but she easily made her way to the top of my happiness list. I think it has something to do with the unconditional love which you don't truly understand until you're a parent. Of course, I know I will learn more about it in years to come.   Gabriella Raye you are my little sweetheart, my world and I LOVE YOU unconditionally!

My home: Dale and I started building our home 6 years ago and this past year we finally finished the house and moved in.  We could not be more excited to have an amazing place to live.  We are satisfied with our accomplishments.  I husband did most of the work himself and I  am truly impressed with his skills.  Yes, he has amazing skills with building.   He sure has talent to make something out of nothing.   Sorry its a really crummy picture, I will up date in the future.


My pets:  I have to say I am an animal lover.  I have 2 dogs and 4 cats.  My dogs are black labs one is mixed with chow.  Shana is the oldest, she is 13 years old and she is blind.  You would never guess she was blind except her eyes are completely white.  She is mellow and a very nice people orinated dog.  She was Dale and my first pet together.  She is a wonderful family dog.  But she is an old girl.  Sammy is a black lab chow mix.  She is a beautiful dog but not as friendly as Shana.  Sammy love me, but no one else.  She is 13 years old as well.  Has a really bad limp related to jumping off her doggy deck and tearing her ACL.  Lets just say surgery did not work for my doggy.  She is beautiful and loveable, she is my best pal.  

Sammy my pal. She loves sledding and she loves swimming.
Shana my sweet lovable blind doggy.

Like I stated earlier, I have 4 cats.  Tucker, Gizmo, One-Eyed Bandit, and Simbaroo.   I love each and every one of my cats they are all wonderful.  They all love each other and they love to play.  They are awesome animals.  All my cats were strays, I found them as kittens, tamed them down and loved them.  



 Tucker (the oldest and laziest)
 Simbaroo thinking he is the baby.

Friends:  My friends are wonderful people.  I appreciate the relationships that we share.  Miss working with most of you, we have had a lot of good times.

My love for baking:  I love baking, I love the way it makes the house smell.  I love getting flour all over my clothes.  I like how much my husband appreciates eatting everything I make.  Below is a home made apple pie. YUMMO... Perfection..

4 Seasons:  Love that in Wisconsin we are lucky to have 4 seasons.  Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. I love them all.

Eagle river ice castle, amazing

After a summer storm there is a rainbow right after it rains and the sun starts peeking through the clouds.  It is gorgeous.  I absolutely love when it rains.  I love the smell of rain, it is amazing.  It makes my whole body fall in love.  It just smells so clean.  I love picking night crawlers off the road right after it rains, I love walking through the mud puddles, I love the lightening, but absolutely hate thunder.  There is just something about thunder that sends shivers up my spine.  I hate tornados, because of the devastation left after one.  I hate high winds because of the damage left behind.
The spring melt
Spring starting all the snow is melting~ mid March to beginning of April.  The smells in the air are amazing.  There is something about knowing that spring is here and we don't have to drive in the snow.   That is always a plus.

Winters in Wisconsin are Magical to say the least.

 I absolutely love cross country skiing and it is a good workout too.

 Falls in Wisconsin are magnificent and breath taking with all the changes of colors.  It is my favorite time of year.  The air is a little bit more crisp.  

Vacations:  I have taken lots of vacations in my life time.  I am glad that I have the opportunity to go on vacations.  I can not wait to start taking Gabby on vacations.  

California Beach on Hwy I-5

 Pony Express Station in Kansas
 Kansas Kitty.... Yes, I took a picture of someone else s cat!
 Blue Earth town in Minnesota

 Chicago IL.
 Chicago Traffic


 Grand Canyon
 Saint Louis ARCH
 Missouri at a museum

South Dakota Trip what an amazing adventure

Camera:  I love taking pictures with my camera, it is amazing what kind of scenes you get.  It is amazing when we take pictures what inspires us to take that specific picture.  I love taking pictures!!!
Cooking out:  I absolutely love cooking out in the summer. I love having family/ friends over, it is always a good time!